Thursday, December 4, 2008

Separation Anxiety...

The last couple of days has been a little trying for daddy. My little Kaden who is normally very independent and super easy has become a little clingy. Once again please don't read more into that comment. I am not complaining, because I know my little one is a dream. He makes parenting look like a cake walk. For Kaden a little whining or a whimper is odd and we consider that off. 

So let me explain what is happening. When Kaden is playing and exploring, I take the opportunity to get some stuff done i.e., wash dishes, do laundry, pick up the house, Facebook, catch up on Prison Break you know just being a good husband and daddy... When I walk away he will start to whimper or cry. It's like I am leaving for good! I turn back to reassure him that I am in the room and I am not going to leave him, but he doesn't settle until I get down and look him in the eyes and talk to him. 

If all reasoning fails and baby just can't pull it together I will finally pick him up. As I hold him and rock him he quickly calms and sometimes will even fall asleep. He seems so peaceful when he sleeps in my arms. The other day I was thinking "Wouldn't it be great to have someone big enough to hold us and rock us to sleep?" Hmmm.... I wonder what that would look like...
haa haa... just a little tangent so I could post this funny picture. Back to the story:

My undergrad degree is in human development and family science I know the crying is normal. I studied all about separation anxiety but it is still difficult to handle. Understanding that this is a stage of development doesn't help the fact that I feel inconvenienced (is that bad?). It sounds bad, but really when it comes down to it this is why I get upset. I'm praying that God just gives me grace to extend to Kaden. And I have to remember that parenting is not about me, but is a blessing and responsibility that has been entrusted to me by God.

I'm hoping this stage is quick and that I will learn the character that God is trying to teach me during this time. Until then I will be dreaming of getting one of these robots to rock me to sleep. Zzzzz.....

Raising Daddy Tip of The Day
Dancing with baby is a fun activity just make sure you know what's on your iPod... As the little one gets older, "Brining Sexy Back" might not be a good idea.

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