Friday, November 21, 2008

Why Didn't I Think of That?

In the last seven months I have come across many baby products that make me say, "Why didn't I think of that?" People are making millions off of silly gidget, gadgets, whoseits, whatsits, and a ton of other products. 

Gerber Puffs
Little snacks to keep baby interested while they eat.  Don't really have to worry about the kido choking on them cause these treats de-solve when baby saliva hits it. Unlike M&M's they do melt in your hands. But really do we need these snacks?  Substitute crackers instead: cheaper and less sugar.

Hands Free Bottle 
A bottle with a hose attached to the nipple so baby can sit back chill-lax and suck. What a wonderful device, daddy doesn't have to hold the bottle for junior anymore. Why don't they make this for adults. Oh wait... maybe that's why my wife calls it a baby bong.

Wee Wee Tee-Pee

I admit it we've used one of these ingenious designs, to keep daddy and mommy from taking it in the mouth. Unfortunately we didn't get a big enough one for our son and the first time Kaden tried to test it out we had a "tee-pee rocket." (We even got the Super Wee Wee!)

There are countless other products that I laugh at and think, "who would buy that?" But as long as people keep reproducing I think the market will be there. Parents want to give there children good gifts. And they want to make their own lives more convenient.  

Raising Daddy Tip of  The Day
It's ok to keep baby in pajamas all day... change them around 4:30 or 5:00 before mommy gets home. The bonus: baby's clothes are nice and clean this makes mommy very happy!

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