Monday, March 23, 2009

Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere....

There is some pleasure in being home alone for a few days. One of them is being able to sprawl out all over the house. Being a bachelor for me has always meant I could toss my clothes and junk around everywhere. 

Oh but as a daddy I now pay the price for my wild unkept ways! Lisa and Kaden are due home in about 4 hours. Plenty of time to do a deep clean. So I'll slam down a cup  of coffee or two, eat a hearty breakfast, crank up some good 90's Grunge/Alternative, and dive into the mess that I called freedom! 
Hmm..... I wish I had a maid!!!
Someone like Alice from the Brady Bunch. She always knew how to clean up the kids' mess.
Maybe Rosie the mechanical robot from the Jetsons. She would zoom around the Jetsons pad and use crazy gadgets that shot out from her iron stomach.
Florence the Jeffersons maid was pretty awesome, but she had more attitude then I could handle.

Oh boy... spent too much time on this post! Mommy and Baby will be home in no time. Gotta turn on my Pearl Jam & Nirvana and get to work!
Raising Daddy Tip of The Day
Using more detergent doesn't help to make the clothes cleaner... there is actually a setting for "heavy soil."

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Crunch Time

I've had my face buried in books all weekend while the Mrs. and baby are out of town. It's a blessing to have a wife who understands what I need to get things done. Lisa grabbed Kaden and took off to Seattle so that I could have the entire weekend to finish my term paper. Amazingly I have used the time pretty wisely. 

The only problem is that I can't get myself to sleep at night. I toss and turn just missing them and then my mind wont stop processing all the information from the day. Oh I can't wait to be done with this program, but I also know when I'm done there will be a weird longing to be back in classes.

Hopefully my blogs will get back to fun random daddy & baby stuff soon. Life has just been a little too serious lately!

Raising Daddy Tip of The Day
Stripping baby down to the diaper during meal time can save you lots of energy when doing laundry! Schedule baby's bath time right after and you are halfway done...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I'm blogging today with a sentimental message. I received word that my grandmother on my dad's side past away last week. My parents were able to be in Vietnam during her final months on earth. Which was a great blessing to our family. I was able to observe this process via my dad's e-mails and have to say that I am more emotional than I thought I would be.

I've only met my Grandmother twice, both times for only a few short days. She was a strong women even in her old age she would be close to 100yrs old this year. Grandmother was known for her strength and love for her children. 

My dad has been on an emotional roller coaster this last month and I have grown a greater respect for him as I listen and observed how he has handled the passing of his mother. I pray that Kaden would love his mother and honor her as much as my dad has done for his mom. 

I am thankful for the legacy my Grandmother leaves behind. She has faithful sons and daughters who care greatly for their families. I pray her grandchildren and great-grandchildren would continue this legacy of loving and caring for family.

In a sense I have grown closer to my roots this last month. I received pictures today and just wished I could have been at the memorial service to be with my parents and the rest of the family. It would have been nice to have had Kaden meet his great-grandmother. He will just have to hear all the fun stories of her carrying wood into the house at age 90+. What an amazing women.
Many flowers were sent from the US. The one Lisa and I sent is on the left.
Vietnamese traditionally wear headbands and white clothing during times of mourning.

My dad between two of his brothers.

Raising Daddy Tip of The Day:
Give your family hugs today and tell them you love them and you are proud of them.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Supralapsarianism vs. Infralapsarianism

I spent most of my yesterday evening trying to understand the 
differences between Supralapsarianism & Infralapsarianism. 
I even had nightmares about it last night. I couldn't get the 
words out of my head. Some of you are wondering what these 
two words even mean and some of you really do know 
(that's just wrong).

If you're wondering in it's simplest form:
Supralapsarianism – God predestined before the fall (where election begins before creation)

Infralapsarianism – God predestined after the fall (where election begins after creation)

So what??? Yeah I know... with a lot of this stuff I wonder why theologians through the years get so hung up? Why do we try and figure out God and put Him into our boxed in definitions? It just seems futile. 

I look at Kaden and I ask God what do you want my little boy to know about you? What is going to point him to an all loving God? How do I direct his path toward a heart that desires to follow the way of truth, mercy, and grace? I ask these questions of God and realize so many times my heart doesn't even desire these things of Christ. 

So I pray this prayer for myself and for my family:

Jesus, let my choices in life be about you and not about me. Let my heart want to honor you and glorify you. Let my actions bless others before myself. Let my trust be placed in the hope that you have given me. The hope of your Kingdom coming here now on earth as it is in heaven only because of your great sacrifice. ~AMEN~

Raising Daddy Tip of The Day:

Swinging baby in a sheet is a fun and inexpensive game... just make sure you are holding on to ALL four ends before you start swinging.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Blogging Ain't Easy...

So I got a few request recently to start blogging again. I was kind of surprised cause really I didn't think people where paying much attention. And really my life really isn't that interesting.

This blogging thing is not easy. I get so busy and life gets so crazy that it's the last thing on my mind. I look at friends of mine who have become so consistent with it even when they are busy or even when their lives are in crisis mode. 

My wife says that I am a great "Starter" meaning that I do a great job starting things, but have difficulty continuing and finishing things. Maybe I should just get in the mind set that I am always starting something new each day! (hmmm... not a bad thought.)

So life has not slowed down since the last entry. School is in full swing and Midterms are next week. Really this doesn't mean much to me this term since I only have one exam next week.  School has been very interesting this term with some great learning experiences. Maybe I'll go into more detail next entry.

Daddyhood? I don't even know where to start. Kaden is sooo BIG. He is 11 months today.
Staying at home has been challenging since he is mobile and loves to be active. We have fun crawling around on the floor and learning new tricks. He is a very quick learner. 

Over all Life has been a whirl wind and sometimes I feel like I am just tossed about. I'm praying that God would just anchor me down and keep me from running a ground. 

Once again I'll try and keep current and bring some excitement to the two people who read this blog. haa haa....

Raising Daddy Tip Of The Day
Teaching a baby to stick out his tongue may look cute at first, but not so much when they do it with a mouth full of prunes.