Ok so this daddy is back in school and well I am being "schooled." I am right now a student of real life. Life has gotta hold of my head and is shoving me under the water. I feel like I am drowning in a sea of craziness.
I am so excited to finish this program, yet am horrified of the possibility of having nothing to show for it, but a piece of paper... I lay in bed at night asking GOD, how he will use me and where he wants me to step. I am trying to be content with living in the moment and processing what is given to me daily, but I think it is human nature to want to know the future.
As for Daddyhood... Kaden had been struggling with a stomach thing for almost two weeks. I was cleaning up after blow outs at least once a day. One day we went through 5 outfits. So between bathing the boy, rinsing out dirty clothes, and doing a basket of laundry a day, Kaden and I have been spending a lot of fun time together.
This last week Kaden has gone the other way and has been constipated. His poor little bum is all read from the straining. But what has been fun is that he has been poopped in the potty a few times.
Finally I'll give you an update on the health commitment. I started P90X two weeks a go and have lost 6-7 lbs. I am feeling fit and stronger. Hoping to get under that 200lb mark soon.
I could ramble forever since it's been a month, but I'll spare you.
Raising Daddy Tip of The Day
When changing diapers move the dirty one away from arms reach, rolling reach, and below the head and shoulder region.